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Corporate Restructuring Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Civil Rehabilitation Corporate Reorganization

Our firm engages in consultation and activities relating to legal reconstruction procedures such as civil rehabilitation and corporate reconstruction. In the unfortunate event that a corporation must give up its business, we will appropriately and promptly carry out the necessary legal bankruptcy procedures. Furthermore, we deal with not only corporations but also bankruptcy and rehabilitation cases for individuals.

Business reconstruction

Our firm has handled a number of civil rehabilitation procedure cases, has been a court-selected trustee in corporate reconstruction procedures and has engaged in corporate revitalization related practice.

Many of our senior attorneys hold experience in the successful reconstruction of rehabilitated corporations as trustees in corporate reconstruction cases. Furthermore, one of our senior members has assumed the post of Executive Director of the Zenkoku Tosan Shori Bengoshi Net Work (The National Bankruptcy Proceedings Lawyers of Network) gaining a thorough knowledge of bankruptcy and reconstruction procedures himself, as well as engaging in the fostering of lawyers who are well acquainted with bankruptcy procedure practice.

Bankruptcy procedure

(bankruptcy, special liquidation, etc.)

Every lawyer in our firm has been selected by the court as a trustee in bankruptcy cases, and carries out fair and prompt case administration. In these bankruptcy cases, our experienced administrative office supports this process and plays a key role in the prompt administration of each case.

Personal bankruptcy,Personal rehabilitation,Dept adjustment

Our firm has not only been involved in corporate bankruptcies and reconstruction procedures but has also received many consultations from individuals, and conducts so-called petitions in consumer bankruptcy and petitions in personal rehabilitation matters.

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